
Privacy policy

This page describes the management methods of the website www.spadamedia.it with reference to the processing of the personal data of the users who consult it.

This is an information that is also provided pursuant to art. 13 Legislative Decree 196/03 (hereinafter the Privacy Code) for users of the services of our site, which are provided via the internet.
The information is not valid for other websites that may be consulted through our links, of which Spadamedia s.r.l. is in no way responsible.
The information is also inspired by Recommendation no. 2/2001 that the European Authorities for the protection of personal data gathered in the group established by art. 29 of the directive n. 95/46 / EC, adopted on 17 May 2001 to identify minimum requirements for the collection of personal data online: the methods, timing and nature of the information that the data controllers must provide to users when they connect to web pages.
The holder of the treatment
The Data Controller of personal data, relating to identified or identifiable persons processed following consultation of our site, is Spadamedia S.r.l., with registered office in Via Panama, 88 Rome, and operational headquarters in Viale del Lavoro, 31 – Ciampino (RM ).

Place and purpose of data processing

The treatments connected to the web services of this site take place at the aforementioned headquarters of the Company and are only handled by employees and collaborators of Spadamedia S.r.l. persons in charge of processing and by any persons in charge of occasional maintenance operations.
No data deriving from the web service is disclosed.
The personal data provided by users who submit requests for services are used for the sole purpose of performing the service or provision requested and are not disclosed to third parties unless the communication is required by law or is strictly necessary for the fulfillment of the requests.
Types of data processed
Navigation data
The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols.
This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but which by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified.
This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the site, the URI (UniformResourceIdentifier) ​​addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error ..) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user’s computer environment.

These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check its correct functioning and are deleted immediately after processing.

The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of hypothetical computer crimes against the site: except for this possibility, the data on web contacts currently do not persist for more than seven days.

Data provided voluntarily by users
The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of e-mails to the addresses indicated on this site entails the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s address, necessary to respond to requests, as well as any other personal data included in the message.
Synthetic summary information will be progressively reported or displayed on the pages of the site set up for particular services.

Based on the characteristics and use of cookies, the following categories can be distinguished:

Technical cookies.

Technical cookies are those used for the sole purpose of “carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network, or to the extent strictly necessary for the provider of an information society service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user to provide this service “(see art. 122, paragraph 1, of the Code). They are not used for other purposes and are normally installed directly by the owner or manager of the website. They can be divided into navigation or session cookies, which guarantee the normal navigation and use of the website; analytics cookies, similar to technical cookies when used directly by the site manager to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site; functionality cookies, which allow the user to browse according to a series of selected criteria in order to improve the service provided. The prior consent of users is not required for the installation of these cookies, while the obligation to provide information pursuant to art. 13 of the Code, which the site manager, if he uses only such devices, will be able to provide in the manner he deems most suitable.

Profiling cookies.

Profiling cookies are designed to create user profiles and are used in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user while surfing the net. Due to the particular invasiveness that such devices may have in the private sphere of users, European and Italian legislation provides that the user must be adequately informed about their use and thus express their valid consent. They are referred to in art. 122 of the Code where it provides that “the storage of information in the terminal equipment of a contractor or a user or access to information already stored is permitted only on condition that the contractor or user has given his consent after being was informed with the simplified procedures referred to in article 13, paragraph 3 “(article 122, paragraph 1, of the Code). This site does not use profiling cookies.

“Third party” cookies

By visiting this website you may receive cookies from sites managed by other organizations (“third parties”). An example is the presence of “social plugins” for Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or LinkedIn, or systems for displaying embedded (integrated) multimedia content such as Youtube, Flikr. These are parts generated directly by the aforementioned sites and integrated into the web page of the visited host site. The presence of these plugins involves the transmission of cookies to and from all sites managed by third parties. The management of the information collected by “third parties” is governed by the relevant information to which reference should be made. To ensure greater transparency and convenience, the web addresses of the various information and methods for managing cookies are shown below.

Analytics cookies

For the sole purpose of monitoring and improving the performance of the site, a statistical analysis market product is used to detect access to the site. It may resort to the use of cookies, permanent or not, in order to collect statistical information and on the “unique visitors” of the site. Cookies, defined as “Unique Visitor Cookies”, contain an alphanumeric code that identifies the navigation computers, without however any collection of personal data.

Google Analytics.

The site also includes components transmitted by Google Analytics, a web traffic analysis service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). These cookies are used for the sole purpose of monitoring and improving the performance of the site. For more information, please refer to the link below:


The user can selectively disable the action of Google Analytics by installing the opt-out component provided by Google on their browser. To disable the action of Google Analytics, please refer to the link below:


Durata dei cookie

Alcuni cookie (cookie di sessione) restano attivi solo fino alla chiusura del browser o all’esecuzione dell’eventuale comando di logout. Altri cookie “sopravvivono” alla chiusura del browser e sono disponibili anche in successive visite dell’utente. Questi cookie sono detti persistenti e la loro durata è fissata dal server al momento della loro creazione. In alcuni casi è fissata una scadenza, in altri casi la durata è illimitata.

Gestione dei cookie

L’utente può decidere se accettare o meno i cookie utilizzando le impostazioni del proprio browser.
Attenzione: con la disabilitazione totale o parziale dei cookie tecnici potrebbe compromettere l’utilizzo ottimale del sito.
La disabilitazione dei cookie “terze parti” non pregiudica in alcun modo la navigabilità.

L’impostazione può essere definita in modo specifico per i diversi siti e applicazioni web. Inoltre i browser consentono di definire impostazioni diverse per i cookie “proprietari” e per quelli di “terze parti”. A titolo di esempio, in Firefox, attraverso il menu Strumenti->Opzioni->Privacy, è possibile accedere ad un pannello di controllo dove è possibile definire se accettare o meno i diversi tipi di cookie e procedere alla loro rimozione. In internet è facilmente reperibile la documentazione su come impostare le regole di gestione dei cookies per il proprio browser, a titolo di esempio si riportano alcuni indirizzi relativi ai principali browser:

Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome

Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org

IE: https://windows.microsoft.com

Opera: https://help.opera.com

Safari: https://support.apple.com

Diritti degli interessati

I soggetti cui si riferiscono i dati hanno i diritti previsti dall’art. 7 del Codice privacy che prevede, tra gli altri, di ottenere la cancellazione, la rettifica, l’aggiornamento dei dati rivolgendosi al Titolare: Spadamedia S.r.l. Viale del Lavoro, 31 – 00043 – Ciampino (RM).

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